In a recent submission to the Tasmanian Housing Strategy Exposure Draft, the Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) has voiced concerns over the lack of focus on the unique needs of young Tasmanians. YNOT, the peak body for young people and the non-government youth sector in Tasmania, has called for a more youth-centric approach to housing policy.
The submission highlights the current policy environment's shortcomings in reducing youth homelessness and aiding young Tasmanians' transition to independent living. YNOT argues that the Draft Strategy's broad approach, aimed at all Tasmanians, fails to address the distinctive and complex housing needs of young people.
In response, YNOT is urging the Tasmanian Government to invest in a standalone Child and Youth Housing and Homelessness Strategy. This dedicated strategy would focus on supporting young people at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness. It would also align with existing strategies aimed at improving health and wellbeing outcomes for young Tasmanians.
YNOT's submission also emphasizes the need for the Draft Strategy to consider housing in policy development, reduce rental vulnerability, and recognize Emergent Adulthood as a distinct life phase for young people aged 18-25 years.
The submission further underscores the importance of meaningful youth participation in decision-making processes. YNOT believes that young people should be actively involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of initiatives that directly impact them.
In conclusion, YNOT is calling for more transparency and accountability in the implementation of the Tasmanian Housing Strategy. This includes clear roles and responsibilities for stakeholders, a commitment to measurement, evaluation, and learning, and a pledge to yearly reporting.
This submission serves as a call to action for youth workers and advocates, highlighting the need for a more youth-centric approach to housing policy in Tasmania. It underscores the importance of our role in advocating for policies that directly address the unique needs and challenges faced by young Tasmanians.