AYAC, the federal peak body of young people and youth services, is hosting an online session to update the wider sector across Australia on these changes.
Register here: https://www.ayac.org.au/events/youth-work-education

This session looks really interesting and you'll be hearing from some experts in the field.
"There are significant changes happening across youth work education in Australia. The sector is undertaking a new process to accredit Bachelor of Youth Work courses and the Diploma of Youth Work and Certificate IV in Youth Work are currently being reviewed and updated. We’re introducing these changes and the impact for students and the youth sector at this online event and answering your questions.
The Youth Workers’ Association has been appointed as the accrediting body for university degree youth work programs by the Australian Government and is working with current university providers. At the same time, the Community Sector and Development Industry Reference Committee is also reviewing and updating a range of community services courses including the Diploma of Youth Work and Certificate IV in Youth Work."