31st August 2021 is International Overdose Awareness day. This day is an annual, global event about raising awareness on overdose - what it is, the signs of an overdose, and how to respond.

It’s about educating people in order to reduce the stigma surrounding drug-related deaths.

And it’s also about acknowledging the grief of the families and friends who have lost a loved one relating to substance use.

To help bring light to this subject and highlight the struggles that people with addiction live with YFCC are hosting a screening of

“WILD BUTTERFLY” The Claire Murray Story

Wild Butterfly is a dramatised documentary that explores childhood trauma and its relationship to ongoing mental health issues and drug use. It uncovers the hidden story behind a family’s tragic circumstances and opens our eyes to the impacts of social injustices and prejudices that could befall anyone.

The screening will be held at Reading Cinema in Devonport at 6:30pm on the 31st August 2021.

To purchase your ticket and play your part in sharing her story, go to:

Wild Butterfly Reading Cinemas Devonport
Check out Wild Butterfly Reading Cinemas Devonport on FanForce

Tickets are $25

YFCC hope you can join them and feel free to share this with others … the more people attending the more we can all help reduce the stigma around addiction and trauma.